Fields & Sheets

Hi there,

First post in here, sorry if this has been asked before but it did not find it with the search function.

So we have a growing table that we want to partially archive.

I would like to know in which sheets of an app are the used fields of this table located, so we can warn our customer what sheet of his report are going to be impacted.

To achieve this I bought and installed QSDA pro, I’m filtering in the Fields tab of the Analysis by “Name” and “IsUsed” so I have my list, but I don’t know how to match it with the Sheets.

How can I do this ?

Many thanks !

Welcome to the forum! What you want to do is fairly automatic. Once you filter the Fields page, all the other resource pages will be filtered as well. In this case, once you filter Fields by name, switch to the Sheets page and only the sheets using those fields will be listed. Same goes for Viz.

After filtering on any sheet you should see the nn/nnn counts change in the ribbon and light blue shade for those pages that are impacted by the filter. Navigation Ribbon


Oh my god how could I miss that :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your swift relpy !

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