I have bought a QSDA Pro Enterprise license but I’m unable to connect to the QS server no matter the connection type I’m using. My latest attempt was Windows connection type, Port 80, proxy: /windows (as the central one going through Azure). I enter QS server host name and the following error pops up:
I’m sure that is the correct host name - our system administrator has been playing around also but couldn’t fix it… (tried out with server name and server address also - nothing changed).
Do you have any clue what might be the root cause and how to establish connection?
I believe you’ve encountered a bug (I’m still confirming), As a workaround, please specify the proxy as part of the hostname e.g.
Thanks for the lightning response! I specified the proxy along with QS server name in the host box as you advise. Left the port = 0 and proxy box blank. Unfortunately I got the same error:
This error is generally userid/password related. If you are using Windows connection, it will use the userid associated with the QasaApi service. Is that userid defined to Qlik Sense?
Does the same error occur if you use the NTLM connection and specify an explicit userid and password?
I tried NTLM connection with host = my.qlik.server/windows and I got connected! Thanks!
I just would like to ask you how can I restrict the app list based on the QS section access/custom properties? As currently I can see and analyze all apps available in QS hub (even those I don’t have access to)?
The listed apps are those available (per the QS security rules) associated with the userid set in the connection. Note that a section access test will not be applied until you try to analyze an app.
I am looking at an update that would make the connection (and therefore the list) based on the current browser user. I will also look to see if section access test could be applied to the list as well.
Note that because QSDA does not expose any data values, you may be comfortable exposing a larger list of apps than someone would have access to in the hub,
Okay, thanks - QSDA does return ‘fail to open’ upon trying to analyze an app I have no access to. The section access update you are looking at would be great!
Last 2 questions I have: 1) Windows connection - I wasn’t able to allocate QasaApi service, is that the QSDA Pro API Service? If yes, I can confirm that the account QSDA Api is logged and running on has been defined in QS and has full access to all apps there. But still cannot establish connection.
2) I got connected via NTLM with my personal UserId and pass. However, when colleagues of mine use the QSDA link to analyze apps (localhost:5003) on that same server, they actually can analyze the apps I have access to as my connection is active for them too. Is there a way for each user to connect with their userId upon opening without last user credentials being saved?
Sorry for the delayed response. I misspelled the service name, you have the correct name. It sounds like the Windows connection should work. Have you included the proxy name in the host name?
You can use the service account userid/password with NTLM as a workaround if you can’t get Windows to work.
Currently, anyone using QSDA will use the same defined connection. I am working on an update that will allow each user to connect with their own id. I expect that will be available in December.
Unfortunately the Windows connection didn’t work out so I’m using the NTLM as a workaround.Thanks for the input - we are all waiting for the December release then!