QSDA Pro App analysis credential method

A question, after applying QSDA Pro license Key - it seems any user who has link/URL to QSDA can analyze the Apps from the configured hub -without being asked for any sort of security/authentication credentials.

Is there a way that once a user has a link to QSDA Pro URL - only Qlik professional license users only after putting some kind of authentication credentials (eg. similar to qlik hub) can access QSDA aps analysis? Or is there a way to allow only user from certain distribution list access the QSDA ?

Thank you.

Currently, there is no user authorization to the QSDA Pro web interface. This is currently under development.

If you use the QLIKLOGIN connection type, at least the user will have to login to Qlik Sense and will only see the apps they have permission to in the Hub.
